Eric Johnson: November 2006 Archives

The answer to the question above is usually "no," but I think I may have found an exception. I have to travel to the Middle East this week, and because the work week is from Saturday to Wednesday, I will probably be working all day on Sunday. The country where I will be is part of the Vicariate Apostoic of Arabia, which apparently has a dispensation to allow Friday Masses to "count" as the Sunday obligation:

• On Fridays (mornings and evenings) and Saturdays (evenings only) the Holy Mass is that of the following Sunday.

Am I reading this correctly? This isn't the parish I would attend (I'm not going to Kuwait), but it's the cathedral parish of the vicariate -- can I assume that this dispensation extends beyond Kuwait to the other countries in its territory? I'll probably end up attending Mass on Sunday — there are plenty of Masses throughout the day in the parish I found — but it might be more convenient to attend on Friday.

This seemed like an interesting question, because I had never heard of such a dispensation. Servicemen deployed during wartime can attend Mass at any time during the week and have it fulfill their Sunday obligation, because they are not always able to attend for obvious reasons. These circumstances are quite different.

New Tattoo Revue, Part II


Almost three years to the day after I posted my announcement that I was going to get a new tattoo "soon," I finally got it. (My definition of "soon" is rather loose, I'll concede.) The design is based on a cross in our parish church, carved on a pedestal upholding a large statue of Mary:

Mary's Pedestal

Here's how it turned out:

Cross Tattoo

And here it is in context:


The original design drew mixed reviews here on Catholic Light, so I hope this one goes over better. (Not that I'll change it.)

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of recent entries written by Eric Johnson in November 2006.

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