Eric Johnson: January 2006 Archives

St. Lawrence statue comes home


Last year, I was trying to find a statue of St. Lawrence for our kitchen. One of our readers in Switzerland (maybe our only reader in Switzerland?) found one, and was kind enough to send it back to the States via a priest-friend of his.

After months of logistics, the statue (which was described here) finally made it to the Johnson home. I had intended to put it into a niche, which I built by hand after designing it around St. Lawrence's dimensions. Unfortunately, there was something blocking the space where I intended to put the statue, so I ended up building a shelf for him. You can see the result here:



Many thanks to our kind reader, and may God bless you in abundance.

Double-congrats to Pete

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Two congratulations are in order for Pete Vere:

1. Canada has a new Conservative government. Of course, on the American scale, that's equivalent to a squishy Republican government, but it's a vast improvement.

2. Pete has a conversion story in the current issue of This Rock, published by Catholic Answers (but not available online, alas.)

Let us all be happy for him.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of recent entries written by Eric Johnson in January 2006.

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