Apparitions and Mystical Phenomena: March 2013 Archives

Here's a little good news for readers who are concerned about the case of non-Catholic false mystic Vassula Ryden. You may recall that Mrs. Ryden won a small victory in 2012 by shutting down the leading web site with critical information about her writings.

Her campaign of harassment by means of lawsuits got the site owner to close the web site.

But in an example of the Streisand Effect, the suit brought lots of attention to Mrs. Ryden and her dirty method of dealing with sincere religious critique: among Orthodox Christians here and among sect-watchers here, and particularly here on the world's leading English-language Catholic news site. And there's information here in Spanish; and here in French and here in German.

And various people took action to make sure that the informative material on that web site would not disappear. For instance, Catholic Culture picked up this analysis of the case by a prominent Dominican theologian, Fr. François Dermine, O.P.

Now the theologian himself has stepped up by putting the whole website back on line, at the new domain He's the president of an Italian organization studying religious sects, and they're willing and able to defend their freedom of speech from legal harassment by sect leaders.

Mille grazie, Padre Dermine!

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Apparitions and Mystical Phenomena category from March 2013.

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