Administration: July 2003 Archives

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Congrats, Boston

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Bishop Sean O'Malley named new Archbishop of Boston

I have met Bishop O'Malley several times as he is a great supporter of a community of Youth Ministers I used to be involved with, the Youth Apostles. I found him to be a very holy man. He speaks several languages. Squeaky clean. Possible Pope material, if I can be candid.

There are much, much better days coming for Boston.

This quote speaks volumes:

"The Rev. Richard McBrien, a liberal theologian at the University of Notre Dame, said despite all the kudos O'Malley has won for his response to clergy sex abuse, he is still a conservative priest who would be 'uncritically loyal to the Holy See and would not veer one millimeter from its policies and teachings on anything.'"

Despite all the kudos?

It's a wonderful vote of confidence when a liberal theologian calls another priest "uncritically loyal to the Holy See."

Here's the AP pic:

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Administration category from July 2003.

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