Prayer Request


My colleague at St. Marks, Dick Weiand, who has been an organist and bell choir director there for over 3 decades has had a recurrence of liver cancer. His health is growing much worse. I'd like to give him a spiritual bouquet, please let me know what prayers & sacrifices you can offer in the comment boxes below.

Thanks and God bless you all.

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I'll pray a rosary today.

Thanks Marc - that's wonderful.

A rosary from me as well.

Prayers from me also.

I will offer my evening prayers for his intentions.

A rosary. And I'll keep him in my daily prayer intentions.

He is remembered at the Prayer Network...

Dear Sir,

I will offer today's fast and the intentions of morning and evening prayer.



Please pray for me that i will pass the Nclex exam on Ja. 10. Thank you very much.

Please pray for JES, single/Catholic, that he may be delivered from his sinful relationship with a buddhist married woman who has 2 young sons and is not divorced from her husband. They mistake love over the physical union they share and believe they are not committing adultery. Same woman deceived him not to recognize GOD and His values. Pray too that this woman will NEVER bear JES's child so as not to complicate the situation.
Pray that JES will be enlightened and be RECONCILED with ARCY, the woman he truly loved before meeting the married woman.. They parted ways because ARCY chose to remain PURE in the eyes of GOD. Since JES became weak in this area (flesh), he went with the married woman who gave her body in total abandonment.
We unceasingly pray for JES to abandon NOW the buddhist woman. And we earnestly pray for reconciliation of JES and ARCY, both of whom eventually be joined in the Sacrament of Marriage in 2007 and have a lasting, harmonious, God-filled relationship.


I have several. The first being to strengthen my relationship with Donna Jean Strong and marry her. I want to share the rest of our lives together. Our relationship has fallen to pieces but has improved this past month. I love her and want her to be my wife, and she used to feel the same about me. I know this is the woman God wants me to marry. Please pray that this happens and I'm everything she wants in a husband and more. 2. I'm about to lose everything I have in storage and has someone else's stuff with it. I need prayer that I can claim my items and stor 'em elsewhere and I need storage for all the stuff I have at mom's house.
3. I have legal and court issues I need to take care of. 4. My car is falling apart and I've got no funds to repair or replace it. 5. I need an apartment in Kansas City, Missouri and fast!(cheap ok) 6. i need my food stamps and Medicaid restored. 7. I had a renovation job I started at my church, but ran out of funds and the congregation doesn't have any either.
8. I've really thought seriously about commiting suicide, but I don't wanna do that... can you pray for me? Please?!!! The devil has really beaten me up, I'm beginning to lose faith and have pretty much lost my will to live. please pray for me and for this things to happen, especially with Donna and the apartment issue.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on December 1, 2005 9:10 AM.

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