It's summertime, the season for outdoor Masses in garden shrines, the time for big events like WYD, and it's also the silly season where the fringe types like to put on their events too.
This week, the BBC ran a feature on a so-called ordination conducted by some of those German riverboat priestess dames, now pretending to be bishops.
As for the motivation of the would-be deaconette, here's a quote from the show's audio: "I'm a strong person, and some women, they are in the ceremony, in the background, and I like to be in front of them, and I feel, when I was younger, that the place where the altar is, that's my place."
Abp. John Foley, answering the reporter's questions to provide a Catholic point of view, has it pegged: "There's a universal call to holiness in the Church... I hope that all of us would strive for holiness and not for power."
(via the CWN blog)

What a great quote from Archbshp Foley!