Apropos of nothing: Googlewar

From the Googlewar site, comparing the raw number of results from two Google queries:

"catholic" vs. "protestant"
results: 14,600,000 to 1,870,000

eucharist" vs. "communion"
632,000 to 2,260,000

"orthodox" vs. "heretical"
3,240,000 to 235,000

"eric" vs. "johnson"
24,400,000 to 32,300,000

"catholic light" vs. "catholic darkness"
13,500 to 41

"folk music" vs. "good music"
2,570,000 to 1,640,000

"Linux" vs. "Microsoft"
108,000,000 to 101,000,000

"folk music" vs. "plainchant"
2,570,000 to 13,400

"weak soldier" vs. "strong marine"
199 to 3,650

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This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on May 24, 2004 12:13 AM.

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