Conservative Canada Roundup

As Advent is a season of hope, this past week has brought much hope to the beleaguered conservative cause in Canada. First off, the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Party voted overwhelmingly to unite the right in Canada. They are now merging into the Conservative Party of Canada. Secondly, noted Jewish Canadian conservative author Ezra Levant has put together a team to resurrect the old Alberta Report. It will now be known as the Western Standard.

Finally, John Pacheco and a number of Catholic conservatives in Canada have launched The Rosarium. The purpose of this website to help organize a movement to petition the reversal of the Winnepeg statement. This was a controversial statement made by the Canadian Bishops in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council which dissented in some respect from Pope Paul VI's Humanae Vitae.

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This page contains a single entry by Pete Vere published on December 20, 2003 6:23 PM.

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