No, I don't mean this type of odd "icon": we've already talked about that artist.
I mean the images designed by a "Brother Simeon" and sold under the name of "Monastery Icons". Maybe you've seen them in religious gift shops or even in parishes. The vestibule of my mother's parish** in New Hampshire has two large panels from them, each about 4' x 6'. They're a fairly popular source for icons of Western saints: they've been churning out images of St. Francis and Ste. Therese and Padre Pio (even before he was beatified) for years. Whatever's popular, they'll produce.
They don't look like classic Orthodox icons: the colors used are different, and some of the decorations are foreign to the tradition. Is this "Sacred Heart" image (sorry, the link's broken now) an icon or a sort of mandala?
Ever wonder where they come from? You'd expect that a monastery producing icons would be most likely Orthodox, or maybe Eastern Catholic. This group has had several different names over its history, as it moved from one state to another, and it's actually belonged to several religions. The term they used for the longest time -- and maybe they still do -- was "Gnostic Orthodox". According to their "abbot", the real teaching of Christ is "an esoteric interpretation" of Christianity that includes a belief in reincarnation and "magnetic therapy" healing.
Just to let you know where they're coming from. I personally wouldn't buy anything from them, but it's your call. Somebody's given me one of their images, and writing this reminds me that I oughta get it blessed real good.
** (another Stupid Vosko Church [tm])

I am amazed that your mother lives in Epping, RC. My home town. I am sick to see that Vosko has put one of his monstrosities (which might properly be termed Gnostic) in the "Center of the Universe" (everything else turns around it.
I was not Catholic in Epping, but I thought they had a perfectly good Church. Of course, the new St Joe is probably more conducive to the "Harley Blessing" they do there every year.
Go Blue Devils!!!!
RC - how do you tell if an icon is one of these?
for Sal:
Brother Simeon signs his icons "written by the hand of Simeon", sometimes with the year.
for William:
The old church in Epping was functional, but after the merger with St. Raymond's they needed to build, IMO.
Until yesterday, I had had no idea Vosko was involved with the new church; I had been crediting only the pastor for its distinctive features: e.g., putting the tabernacle in a high-traffic area so that one cannot enter the nave from the vestibule without passing in front of it. Speaking of crimes, that pastor got yanked in the Scandal on Holy Thursday. Still, he did baptize my mother when she converted a few years ago, so he did some good.
The "Harley Blessing" was held last week. I think that sort of folk event fits well in a rustic, small-town-y setting, so the old Church was probably as good as the new one. Probably the biggest Blessing of Motorcycles in our area is at the Oblate Fathers' shrine in Colebrook (Our Lady of Grace).
Here is an expose on "Monastery Icons" on a Orthodox Christian website that warns the faithful in no uncertain terms: "Please don't buy their pictures - they are spiritually very dangerous"
and here is a commentary by Anthony Dragani, a Byzantine Catholic, on that tract. (He did a little research.) Mr Dragani answers questions about the Eastern Rites for EWTN's Q & A forum.
I can't agree with Mr. Dragani in this case.
People who have had personal contact with the group seem to agree that they hold Hindu or "new age" beliefs. The links above include an account by an ex-follower -- a man who is more or less an atheist now -- and another account by an Orthodox priest who lived near the group and counseled ex-members. Although their own beliefs are very different, they agree about what Abbot Burke's teachings are.
I also know a Catholic layman who met one of the group's "monks" on a bus trip and listened closely to his exposition of their heresies.
On the other hand, I wouldn't go so far as Mr. Dragani's correspondent and throw around words like "satanic".