Getting our priorities straight... The

Getting our priorities straight...

The home page of my old Parish in Alexandria, VA contains this memorable quote from the Pastor:

"A parish in the tradition of the Second Vatican Council, Someplace Special, where Jesus is Lord and Pittsburgh is number one!"
-- Rev. George Griffin, Pastor
Of course I added the helmet to make the blog more interesting - nothing spruces up a blog like fancy pictures! No matter - you'd have to know the Pastor to know he is from Pittsburgh. He might say you don't really know Jesus if you don't know he's a Steeler's fan. I just hope wouldn't say it from the pulpit while wearing his souvenir helmet "in the tradition of the Second Vatican Council."

If I was preaching during fútbal americano season I would say "God is not a Steelers fan - he's a you fan." ¡Que profunda!

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on May 21, 2003 6:16 AM.

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