Ecclesia Dei vs. a Reform

Ecclesia Dei vs. a Reform of the Reform?

Concerning the discussion below on the universal indult reportedly being considered, and whether it is better to focus on the Ecclesia Dei indult or a reform of the Novus Ordo as it is currently celebrated in most parishes, keep in mind that some liturgical adaptation in line with Sacrosanctum Concilium is permitted to the Ecclesia Dei indult. In fact, the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei has conceded to a number of Benedictine monasteries who come under the auspices of the Ecclesia Dei indult, as well as to the Society of St. John and many other indult communities that have requested it, the following liturgical adaptations of the 1962 typical edition of the Roman Missal when celebrating their sung conventual Mass. This may also be followed at any high Mass, if I recal correctly. The order that may be followed at the sung conventual Mass is as follows:

1. When the conventual Mass follows some part of the Divine Office, the Mass may begin with the “Introit.” The chant and the prayers at the foot of the altar for the beginning of Mass are omitted.
2. The Liturgy of the Word may be celebrated at the chair.
3. The Readings may be proclaimed facing the people, either in Latin or in the vernacular. The celebrant does not repeat either the Readings or the chants that belong to the choir or to the people.
4. The Prayer of the Faithful can be used in its proper place after the "Oremus" before the Offertory. It is to be in accord with the examples found in the approved liturgical books or with duly approved examples found elsewhere.
5. The "Oratio super oblata" (Prayer Over The Gifts) may be sung.
6. The doxology, "Per ipsum," may be sung by the celebrating priest while he raises on high the chalice and host above the altar. He keeps them raised on high until the end of the doxology as the choir responds "Amen."
7. The "Pater Noster" may be sung by all along with the celebrant.
8. The final blessing may be sung. And after it is sung, the Reading of the beginning of the Gospel according to John is omitted.

Additionally, in response to requests from local Ecclesia Dei communities as well as in virtue of local custom, the PCED has approved the use of the old Lectionary in the vernacular. Further, the use of Mass formularies from the new Missal and the Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary may also be used with the 1962 Missal.

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This page contains a single entry by Pete Vere published on May 5, 2003 1:18 AM.

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