Christ the Bridegroom comes into our lives in a time and manner of His own mysterious choosing. In Holy Week He comes beaten, bound, and crowned with thorns, as the icon of "Extreme Humility" shows Him.
Behold, the Bridegroom is coming in the middle of the night: blessed is the servant He shall find awake. But the one He shall find neglectful will not be worthy of Him. Beware, there-fore, O my soul! Do not fall into deep slumber, lest you be delivered to death and the door of the kingdom be closed on you. Watch instead, and cry out: "Holy, Holy, Holy are You, O God! Through the intercession of the angels, have mercy on us." (Troparion of the Bridegroom, Matins of Great and Holy Tuesday) Bishop John Elya reminds us in his Lenten message to keep alive our first love, our desire for the second coming of Christ. | ![]() |