You've heard the slogan "No

You've heard the slogan "No Blood for Oil"

How about "No Oil for Blood"?

IN THE IRAQI DESERT (AP) -- Saddam Hussein handsomely rewarded the army officer who targeted U.S. forces in a suicide bombing, honoring him with a posthumous promotion, two new medals and a huge financial windfall for his family.

Calling the tactic a "routine military policy," Saddam's regime threatened more such attacks on Americans and Britons - even on their own soil.

The bomber, posing as a taxi driver, struck Saturday, killing himself and four soldiers. He pulled up close to a roadblock north of the holy Shiite city of Najaf, waved to American troops for help, then blew up his vehicle when they approached.

Iraq's vice president, Taha Yassin Ramadan, indicated the attack was part of a coordinated effort to thwart invaders who can't be defeated by conventional warfare. He also raised the specter of terrorism on U.S. or British soil.

"We will use any means to kill our enemy in our land and we will follow the enemy into its land," Ramadan said. "This is just the beginning. You'll hear more pleasant news later."

The bomber - identified as Ali Jaafar al-Noamani, a noncommissioned officer with several children - was posthumously promoted to colonel and awarded two medals - Al-Rafidin, or The Two Rivers, and the Mother of All Battles, state TV reported. His family reportedly was awarded 100 million dinars - the equivalent of $34,000, a fortune in Iraq.

Jed Babbin of NRO has an altogether different and very disturbing story on the homicide bombing.

The suicider was not, as the Iraqi vice president announced, an Iraqi army officer. He was a member of Hamas--or possibly a Saudi--and one of many terrorists that are embedded throughout Iraq. This is no longer a war to remove the threat of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and liberate Iraq. Yes, those still are part of our objectives. But it is--much more--a war between our conventional forces and most of the terrorist world.

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