Well, there is one liturgy

Well, there is one liturgy I'd like to see updated.

Hearing coverage of the anti-war protestors in Washington reminds me that they need some new slogans.

Hey, hey;
Ho, ho;
Mindless chanting has to go.

Can't they come up with something better than "Hey, hey; ho, ho; (fill in the blank) has got to go"? I mean: it's such a cliche'! And so avoidable: after all, these events attract the cream of today's artistes: makers of papier-mache street puppets, members of drumming troupes, and so many other creative types: why can't they come up with a few more original couplets to recite?

We're not hating, we're not ranting
we're not thinking, we're just chanting.

For some generally irreligious people, a political demonstration may be the most moving event they ever take part in, and the one which gives them the greatest feeling of solidarity with humanity. No wonder it takes on the character of a ritual whose basic texts become fixed with time.

And by the way, since I'm here in Washington for this week's March For Life: fortunately, pro-life crowds don't seem to chant slogans much; they prefer to sing hymns or say prayers together. Cardinal Law used to try to stir up the teens with "Give me an L: L!" and they'd politely shout along with him, at least to get it over with.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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