Backstage with Bello and the Circus Sisters
This past weekend I was at the National Gathering of the Circus Traveling Show Ministries, which is basically organized under the USCCB's office for ministry to migrant workers. While there I got to meet many of our chaplains who minister to circus professionals, carnival workers and the auto-racing industry. God permitting, I will be blog about it in the coming week.
In the meentime, I thought you might like to see the following picture of me backstage at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus (red unit). I'm with one of the Little Sisters who travels with various circuses as part of her ministry, and with Bello the Clown who stars in the show.
Additionally, here's a picture of me on the floor before the show. I'm with a couple of the clowns from the Ringling Bros. clown troupe.