We're gearing up for some

We're gearing up for some weather...

The DC area is gearing up for a "snow event" tomorrow. The weather people call it a "snow event" when they have no idea how much of the white stuff we're going to get. It also means that every store in the area is going to be out of toilet paper, milk and bread by 7 PM tonight. I don't understand how people think they are going to run out of toast if they can't get on the road for a day.

The other quirky thing about DC is that as soon as the the first flakes start to fall every eldery person with an old Buick gets on the road. It's like they all have to get to Denny's for an eldery Buick driver meeting.

I'm staying off the roads tomorrow - I've gotten in two accidents in past "snow events" because of other idiots on the road.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on December 4, 2002 9:58 AM.

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