NOT a laughing matter
Over at Mark Shea's joint and at HMS they have been soliciting ad ideas and slogans for Planned Parenthood's "Celebrating 30 years of legalized holocaust" poster contest. This topic does not lend itself to satire. Consider that the Bush adminstration sent Solicitor General Ted Olson to argue before the Supreme Court in favor of RICO being used to crack down on protests in front of abortion mills. I have only seen snippets of Olson's lawyering with regard to Scheidler v. NOW and Operation Rescue v. NOW. Here is a link to the amicus brief he filed. I don't understand the administration's position on this completely but it appears the administration is indeed in favor of using RICO against some forms of organized protest, including anti-abortion protests. If it is true it is beyond disheartening - it is an total betrayal of the pro-life movement. If any of our readers have more info please post it in the comments.