Jury clears man who shot

Jury clears man who shot priest he accused of abuse

A sympathetic jury cleared a man of most charges in the shooting of a priest who he said abused him as a teenager.

Sympathetic indeed. The jury acquitted Dontee Stokes of the attempted murder of Rev. Maurice Blackwell. A forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Spodak, testified via video tape that Stokes was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder when he shot Blackwell.

Stokes testified that he didn't intend to harm Blackwell when he confronted him. But he said that when Blackwell brushed him off, memories of abuse flooded back.

If he didn't intend to harm Rev. Blackwell why was he packing heat? The article mentions nothing about whether or not he felt he had to defend himself or the circumstances surrounding their meeting. I won't defend the indefensible crime of abusing children, but this case unfortunately sets a precedent for victims who wish to take the law into their own hands. Of course a jury is going to be sympathetic to a victim of abuse, even alleged abuse. Of course a jury will think the vitctim-turned-perp has emotional or psychological damage as a result. Perhaps this is justice, I just hope it doesn't become a justification for vegeance.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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