Fugitive update: Where's my crash helmet?
Thanks all of you for your thoughtful comments. Though we don't seem to have a concensus, I appear to be somewhere between a saint and a Pharisee. I haven't decided if what I did was right or wrong. To judge it by the result I can see, it was wrong. It is far worse than I feared. I've pushed her away from me and from the Church, that much is clear. I doubt we will ever be friends again. That's pretty hard to take. Please pray for me and pray for her.
Listen. Today I went to daily Mass at the church we planned to go to yesterday. I was sitting behind two women who appeared to be in their 30's. One looked like a regular, the other looked like a fish out of water. During the Our Father the regular had her hands in the orans position and after a few seconds reached down and grabbed the hand of fish out of water. At Communion time the regular was trying to pursuade fish out of water to follow her. She didn't go. How ironic.
If my life was a book I would re-write these last two days. I can't go back but I can trust that God can turn my garbage into gold.