Choice on EarthThis from Al

Choice on Earth

This from Al Gore's least favorite newspaper:

Concerned Women for America railed this week against "shameful" holiday cards sold by Planned Parenthood that read, "Choice on Earth," instead of "Peace on Earth," saying the cards were offensive to Christians.

"Planned Parenthood, a giant organization that receives hundreds of millions of tax dollars, has chosen to profit from a day sacred to Christians by offending them," said Wendy Wright, senior policy director for CWA. "The group twists a well-known Scripture in which God offers peace on Earth — not abortion — through the birth of His Son Jesus Christ."

The front of the holiday card reads "Choice on Earth," the inside message reads "Warmest wishes for a peaceful holiday season" and the back reads "Planned Parenthood."

It strikes me as a supreme piece of illogic to equate peace with our post-modern slaughter of the innocents. Maybe they mean "peace and quiet," which is what one gets with dead people.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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