Attack of the uh... Kooks

Attack of the uh... Kooks

From - "Raelian leader: Cloning first step to immortality"

Let's counter this nutty news with our own press release - "Pope: Baptism is the first step to immortality." I mean, it is, isn't it? I don't know why those lunkheads would want to stay on earth forever while heaven awaits. What are they afraid of? Death and judgement?

The Raelians eventually hope to develop adult clones into which humans could transfer their brains, Rael said.

"Cloning a baby is just the first step. For me, it's not so important," he said. "It's a good step, but my ultimate goal is to give humanity eternal life through cloning."

The words of their leader betray the dehumanizing reality of secular humanism. Transplant the brain and your mind abides in another body. Even if it were possible, and there is no reason to believe it will ever be possible, this speaks nothing of what becomes of the soul. Their view is that man is mind and body, that's it. Forget the clone has a mind and body, too, they just grew it up so the original brain could remain on earth a while longer. Of course they don't mention the soul of either of the persons. What a crock. This "Rael" guy actually testified before a House subcommittee. I hope it was the House Subcommittee on Sending Morons Back to France Where They Came From!

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