Taken to Task
Connie takes me to task for being 'Judgmental'. Like most Americans, she has a flawed notion of what being 'judgmental' is and isn't.
What it is: Presuming to say who is and isn't going to Heaven (which I didn't do)
What it isn't: Not being afraid to say when someone is doing something wrong (which I did do and, come to think of it Connie, so did you! Don't worry, you are obviously in fine company)
She does unknowingly raise a very thought-provoking point, however, although she did it under the cloak of heavy sarcasm (you see, I know this because she put 'heavy sarcasm' in parentheses... thoughtful!) She said something to the effect of: When your Sister-in-Law visits, are you going to make her and her husband sleep in separate rooms?
Well, no, I wouldn't... but let's think about it for a minute. If my sister-in-law had "married" (in some sort of commitment ceremony) another woman, no I would not give them the same bed, any more than I would give her and a boyfriend the same bed. Under Catholic Teaching, one cannot dissolve what God has joined together, like his first marriage, even if you pay for a legal document that says so (BTW, Connie, your comparison of Divorce and Annulment is wildly incorrect... I presume you were simply trying to make a point... but it seriously damages your credibility when you use such faulty reasoning) so while I am not going to put them in separate bedrooms, I am going have a serious twinge of remorse. And, if they were Catholics, you can bet I would put them separate rooms.
My guess is, Connie, that somewhere in your family there is a similar situation, and my post stung you a little bit. While I am sorry that it hit so close to home, it wouldn't be very loving of me to say that it didn't matter, would it? It isn't loving to be 'supportive' of someone who is choosing their lover's body over the body of Christ; or, if they aren't Catholic, over the teachings in the Bible they usually hold so dear.