Pro-life liberals ever more endangered

Pro-life liberals ever more endangered

The northern and midwester industrial states used to send plenty of pro-life liberal Democrats to Congress, back in the 1970s and even the '80s. There are now even fewer of that species, as Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio has decided this year that the government should pay for abortions in military hospitals. It would appear that he is traveling the well-trod road of ambition in the Democratic Party -- dumping his pro-life beliefs for the sake of higher office. The trailblazers on this path have names like Gore, Kennedy, Jackson, and Gephardt.

And so it goes: pro-life Republicans are expected to support pro-abortion politicians "for the sake of the party." Pro-life Democrats are shamed into submission if they want to run for anything big. For you non-Americans reading this, the Democrats are the "tolerant" party, and the Republican party is the "narrowminded" party. Got that?

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This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on November 1, 2002 12:49 PM.

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