Ave Maris Stella I'm looking

Ave Maris Stella

I'm looking for a good translation of "Ave Maris Stella." All the English translations I've find rhyme, which is a sure sign that they aren't entirely accurate!

Ave Maris Stella
Dei Mater alma,
atque semper Virgo
felix cæli porta.
Sumens illud Ave
Gabriélis ore,
funda nos in pace,
mutans Evæ nomen.

Solve vincla reis,
profer lumen cæcis,
mala nostra pelle,
bona cuncta posce.

Monstra te esse Matrem :
sumat per te preces
qui, pro nobis natus,
tulit esse tuus.

Virgo singuláris,
inter omnes mitis,
nos culpis solútos,
mites fac et castos.

Vitam præsta puram,
iter para tutum,
ut vidéntes Jesum,
semper collætémur.

Sit laus Deo Patri,
summo Christo decus,
Spirítui Sancto,
tribus honor unus.


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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on November 29, 2002 8:37 AM.

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