Mixing it up at work again

Yesterday a coworker of mine was telling us he thought he was getting sick. I forgot myself for a moment and said, "You know who helps me when I get sick? The holy souls in Purgatory!" Oops. I had to explain that one to this mere Christian and another person there, a fugitive from the Church since her college days. "The saints and the souls in Purgatory are our friends - they can pray for us just like we pray for each other!" The Fugitive said, "I don't think they can hear us!" I left it at that.

Later that day I found I was missing my PDA. I hunted for it around the office and couldn't find it. When I got home I looked all and turned up nothing . I asked St. Anthony to help me. This morning I got into my car and thought to search the back seat. I reached in back without even looking and put my hand on it immediately. I thanked St. Anthony for his gracious assistance and started off to work. I told the Fugitive about it.

"Remember yesterday when I was talking about the saints? I prayed to St. Anthony to help me find my PDA," I said.

"Who is St. Anthony?" the Fugitve asked.

"St. Anthony of Padua. He's traditionally prayed to when you need assistance finding a lost object." I told her how I had prayed to him and found my PDA.

"I like stories like that," she said, smiling.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on October 17, 2002 8:22 PM.

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