I need to start carrying

I need to start carrying my camera...
Bumper sticker seen last night in (of all places!) Godless Tysons Corner:

Angry? Want A Weapon? Pray the Rosary!

Where can I get one (the sticker, not a rosary)?! I was sure this was our Pastor... he had delivered a very fine homiliy on this very subject two weeks ago.

Women who are (as I was) sick of all the pablum and wishy-washy morality offered to them in regular women's magazines should go to Catholic Faith and Family Magazine and select the free trial issue. As gorgeously photographed as Martha Stuart's Living, totally faithful to the Magisterium, with a calender of Saint's days each issue, excellent articles, and many Catholic advertisers!

Pro-life concerns are looking up, I think, with the advent of GE's new 4-D ultrasound. Have you seen it? The ultrasound now actually resembles a baby, instead of a gray, grainy 2-D image. You cannot look at the sceen and deny what is there. Even more encouraging, I have read that regular ultrasound technology is becoming so affordable that ultrasound 'Photography Studios' are actually popping up in malls... perhaps this is how we will win the war, by bringing the hidden into full view!

If you don't subscibe to Crisis, then you missed it: The special 20th Anniversary issue with the bold headline "The Glory of Catholicism". The very best article inside is "What's So Great About Catholicism" by H. W. Crocker III, who lists the Top 10 reasons it is so very cool to be Catholic. It should be availible for perusal next month on the website, but this is an issue every Catholic should own. I am thinking of copying it for all my Catholic students. Also good is an in-depth look at how our Government actually encourages divorce.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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