BC is still deciding whether it wants to be Catholic

It's a local truism: the name of our nearby Jesuit institution, Boston College, is a misnomer. First, it's not in Boston; and as it's a university, the title "College" doesn't really fit either. Sometimes it's not clear whether it can even be fairly described as Catholic, since a certain amount of the thinking and activity there is at odds with a Catholic ethos.

There are some fine Catholics there, of course. However, they are probably not the people writing a sex column for the undergraduate student newspaper. I won't impugn the Catholic commitment of the foolish administrators who let such a rag be distributed on campus, but it would seem they are excessively tolerant of certain evils.

When I read about this in today's Herald, it was clear that somebody would post about it: Fr. Bob Carr won the race.

Perhaps this is all to be expected: the local cynics remind us that "B.C." stands for a world not yet influenced by Christianity.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on October 20, 2002 10:49 PM.

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