I cancelled cable!

No more stupid Cox Communications commercials! ("We know some of our customers have been having problems - we're working hard to complete our upgrades by 2017!" or "We've decided not to raise our rates this week! Check back next week!")
No more "Mentos" commercials!
No more "reality" shows! I like living my life and not the lives of a bunch of beautiful people stuck on island, or those trying find a wife, marry a millionaire, or be the next pop star.
No more paying for television!
No more television, period! The devil can't get in my house through that damned devil Tv!

What shall I do with the money I'm saving?

Feed the poor
Clothe the naked
Give hope to those who still pay for television
Subscribe to Latin Mass Magazine

Any other suggestions?

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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unless you state otherwise.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by published on September 8, 2002 9:28 PM.

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A Modest Proposal is the next entry in this blog.

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