
A draconian potty break policy for the line workers of a national institution, the Jim Beam bourbon distillery.

Workers on the bottling line are fuming about being limited to four breaks per 8 1/2-hour shift, only one of which can be unscheduled. Extra trips to the bathroom can result in reprimands. Workers with six violations can be fired.

The United Food and Commercial Workers local said some of the 100 affected employees have urinated on themselves because they were afraid to leave the line.

Creating an environment in which employees must wear adult diapers in case they detonate between scheduled bathroom times is bad for morale. You don't have to be a captian of industry to know that. People like Larry Ellison and Bill Gates know the way to get ahead is to treat your customers as though they were wearing adult diapers. That's the key to success. But I digress. Maybe I'll give Gentleman Jim a call and find out why he would rather have his people sully their britches than be happy bottling that tasty bourboun. I'll keep you posted.

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