What NOT to say to your diocesan vocations director

I think Mass should only last ten minutes - I mean Tridentine Mass.
I want a job where I only work on Sundays.
I heard you get a free subscription to Latin Mass Magazine.
I sleep with a teddy bear I've named "Cardinal Ratzinger."
I love the color black - all my leather is black.
I used to be an altar girl. That was before the surgery.
My wife says we need more good priests. Thanks to her I've been celibate for 27 years.
My cat's name is "Dogma."
Hi, I'm Nihil. Nihil Omnia.
I was raised by wolves though we went to church every Sunday.

Mister Victor Lams joins in the fun on his site after a day of playing the St. Blog's drinking game. Very funny stuff! The lesbian bit crossed the line, but it must have been the sauce blogging. That's happened to all of us, hasn't it?

Send more suggestions via email and the comments. Have a blast!

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

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This page contains a single entry by published on August 24, 2002 3:20 PM.

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The many faces of Art Schultz is the next entry in this blog.

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