- all brought to you by other blogs!
Mark Sullivan put a world of hurt.com on the Peace Abbey in Sherborn, Mass. They got enough pressure from St. Blog's and other objectors with conscience and common sense to take down their "War is Terrorism" billboard. Way to go Mark! There a tons of comments and follow-up posts worth every bit your time.
At Xavier+ is an interesting post linked to a news article on how the war on Iraq is already underway. Of course it is - do you think a bunch of teenagers are still running this country?
For your ediifcation I will link again to a washtimes.com article from August 10 entitled Every generation tested by evil. This is it, folks, the test of our generation. I never thought I would quote Ghandi (again from Mark Sullivan's joint) but our "allies" in Europe should take heed:
He who cannot protect himself or his nearest and dearest or their honor by non-violently facing death, may and ought to do so by violently dealing with the oppressor. He who can do neither of the two is a burden.
Three thousand people, many of them from other countries, faced a sudden, violent death at the hands of madmen almost a year ago. We must continue to fight this foe and their supporters until this war is won.