The Incarnation and Human Dignity
The Person of Christ says so much about human dignity. While humanity had been created with that dignity it is only fully revealed to us in the Incarnation. God as one of us, from all eternity He shares in our nature so that we might share in His. It leads us to the fact that we are created to that we might share in His divine life.
Still, there's so many ways that we don't realize that dignity, that we don't see that dignity in ourselves and in others, and therefore we don't live in Christ's light. Through the eyes of Christ, every person can become like Him. Through our human eyes we see differences in class and creed. And how can we love we if only see what is worldly instead of the divine dignity?
I write these thoughts in order to preach to myself, because I so often fall short of this - and yet there's a murmuring within me that calls for expression.