Some voices not welcome by Voice of the Faithful

I've been getting some email from fellow bloggers who are being squashed by some ninny moderator of the VOTF message boards. Apparently the Voice of the Faithful is only interested in being the voice of the "faithful" who agree with them. One of the links on the VOTF board says, "Tell Us How You'd Support VOTF's Mission." I guess demanding honesty and integrity in discourse and faithfulness to Church teachings is not the kind of support they want.

This seems like a great time to dig up our rather facetious orthodoxy rating system and put VOTF in their proper place.

This Blog
and Cardinal Ratzinger's
Does not contain nuts
May contain nuts
Slighty nutty bouquet with fruity overtones
Somewhat nutty and fruity
Flaky and nutty
Exceedingly fruity and nutty
Nuttier than a cheese log
Voice of the Faithful Nutrageous!

Update 8-04-2002 - VOTF says the message boards will be down for the month of August. Do you think they were paying by the post and ran out of DNC money?

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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unless you state otherwise.


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This page contains a single entry by published on August 3, 2002 12:36 PM.

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