Mailbag :: Legal recourse for those who wish to worship in the Tridentine Rite?

I got this, amazingly enough, in response to my post about how I was going to take over the world while John is out of town.

I wonder if those who favor the Tridentine Rite will ever attempt to gain a
legal status similar to the Eastern Rite Catholics. If that was done, then
those who prefer the rite would have their own bishops and their ecclesial
structure. I certainly do not want to isolate a community but rather
pronounce that there is a certain and distinct community that deserves to
have both its rights and its rite protected and promoted.

I suggest this legal option because Tridentine Rite Masses lose the
appearance of being a conciliatory measure. Those who adhere to the rite
would be protected by law.

I'm to the point now where the Tridentine folks would not be hurting anybody
if they had their own piece of the pie within the fold. Yes, the Church
must make sure that it is always faithful to what it claims to believe, but
that does not mean that we should force people to worship under the same
rite. Catholics equals universal, but that does not equal "standardized".

Anyone else care to comment? Canon lawyers, informed laity, or clergy are all invited to share their thoughts on this red-hot topic! (I'm joking about this being red-hot, of course. I'm simply curious to hear what other people think. I love Masses in Latin but I'm not banging on the Bishop's door demanding a Tridentine Mass in my parish.)

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