
To any visitors to this blog who live in the DC area and like to sing: My choir at St. Mark's could use some more hearts and voices as we go into the Fall and Christmas season. We do a wide range of music, from Palestrina to Durufle, from Latin to Russian (sometimes!) and English. Our Hymnal is Ritual Song and we tend to do a balance of hymns and congregational verse/refrain songs. I do my best to balance the repetoire and leave the cheese in the refridgerator.

Location: St. Mark Parish in Vienna, VA
Rehearsals: We have a Wed night rehearsal starting on 11 Sept and meet at 9:15am for a 10am Mass on Sunday.

Upcoming Events: All the choirs are also doing a Mozart concert on Nov 22nd so we'll have some added rehearsals for that.
Christmas - We do the 10pm Mass Christmas eve with a program of choral music before Mass.

So e-mail me if you are interested or shoot my info to someone who you think might be. We need voices in all parts.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on August 8, 2002 8:22 AM.

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