This is Dr. Steven J. Hatfill, a "person of interest" according to the feds on the case of last year's anthrax mailings. He's filed an ethics complaint against the DOJ. "My life is being destroyed by arrogant government bureaucrats who are pedaling groundless innuendo and half-information," Hatfill said. I didn't form an opinion about this until I found out who Hatfill's lawyer is. It's Victor Glasberg, a fine attorney who represented me in a civil case last year. The "121" on the door is Vic's office on South Columbus Street in Alexandria. He normally works as a plaintiff's lawyer and does very little defense work. I was the plaintiff in our case. Having worked with him I have a unique perspective - I know he only represents the good guys. He's done a tremendous number of civil rights cases and cases involving employment law. He's a great lawyer and a great man. His politics were another matter entirely - he had letters of recognition from the ACLU framed around his office - but that wasn't why I choose him. He was absolutely fearless when it came to standing up to a big company for me. He was amazing in the courtroom as well - not flamboyant or artificial, but methodical, ethical and unrelenting. We went to trial last year after having won five of five pre-trial motions that were filed against us - a record for him in almost 30 years of practice. We expected to beat the daylights out of the opposition at trial. Alas, I lost the case at trial and spent a good while picking up the pieces. Regardless, you and I both know I was right. Actually you're going to have to take my word on that. You have to admit I had some big ones to take on a multi-billion dollar company for trying to weasel out of a contract with me. I hope Mr. Hatfill fairs better than I did. I know the good guys don't always win. Absent any other facts or details of the case, I think the man is innocent.