Good stuff from Dave Kopel today! This is a laugh riot!
The Cheney presidency. For two, two and a half, hours America was captivated by the charisma, charm, and vigor of our new president. It was a shimmering time of high hopes, new frontiers, and low-fat salad dressing.After 18 months of steady, paternal leadership by the grandfatherly war hero George W. Bush, America was ready for the infusion of youthful energy and out-and-out sex appeal that President Cheney represented. Taking the reigns of power with his glamorous wife Lynne by his side, the new president stirred a nation with his fiery eloquence, calling upon all Americans to embrace "the next couple of hours" as a time when the "torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans born in the middle — or, actually, a little bit before the middle — of the last century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter personal trainer who's really putting me through my paces weight-loss-wise."
As for me I enjoyed the Cheney Presidency while it lasted. Though I respect the man immensely as a statesman and a capitalist, I doubt he would ever win the top spot in an election.