Ever called your parish to speak to a priest and have a curt secretary tell you he's on retreat? Makes you think maybe they need a retreat for parish secretaries.
Schedule for the Day of Recollection for Parish Secretaries
9:30am Arrive St. Agnes Retreat Center
10:00am Welcome
10:10am Ice breaker: "Who moved my cheese?"
10:30am First Talk: "How Would Christ Answer the Phone If He Had 167 Calls Per Day Asking for the Mass Schedule"
11:30am Small Group Discussion: "If I Could Be A Gazelle, How Far Would I Run From The Parish Offices Before Returning?"
12:00pm Brown Bag Lunch and Errand of Your Choice: Pharmacy, Library or Catholic Book Store
1:15pm Second Talk: "Dealing With Nuns In Leotards"
2:00pm Small Group Discussion: "Do You Want to Smack the Nun with the Front or the Back of Your Hand?"
2:20pm Nap
2:45pm Third Talk: "I Might Wear A Leotard, But I Run A Tight Retreat Center Here at St. Agnes"
3:30pm Small Group Discussion: "Why is That Nun Such A Sourpuss?"
4:00pm Sending Forth: "Go Forth and Make A Healthy Dinner For Your Family Before Tuning In To Murder She Wrote"