Mailbag :: "non-coreligionist" and other words you don't use every day

From Michael Tinkler, the Cranky Professor.

In re: non-coreligionist hymnists - lots of
Protestants are under the impression that the
persecutors in "Faith of Our Fathers" are nasty
Cat'lic inquisitors, because they don't know who
Frederick Faber is or that he ended up a Roman. In
fact, last summer some mixed-marriage couple was
sitting next to me at Mass. The woman said fairly
loudly: 'this is in our Methodist hymnal'. I leaned
over and said, 'yes, but Fr. Faber was a Catholic
priest.' Ruined her Sunday, heh heh.

By the way, after a mild hiatus (not jet lag, just
catching up) I'm back to blogging at the

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