Mailbag :: Dueling Haugen interpretations

Michael Shirley writes:

The reader who comments on "Gather Us In" says this:

"Not in 'some' heaven? This sounds like the anthem of an atheist - we'll
make heaven here, now, don't need some god to do it for us. That's the
definition of humanism, isn't it? I know that's not what he's really trying
to say, but that's how it comes out, and apparently no one cares."

Actually, that's not how it comes out to me, nor, I suspect, to most people.
"Now is the kingdom, now is the day" says to me that we are to be God's
children now, to be like Jesus now, and not wait until we get to heaven to
love our fellows. As to "some heaven," have you noticed how many
different visions of heaven there are among Christians? "Some heaven" makes
perfect sense in context, and is entirely Christian. There's nothing
atheist about it.

Now, let's talk about another song: "I Don't Know How to Love Him."

Anyone else got their hymn book handy? Mine is out in the car but I can't go get it now. I have this thing called a "job" that has nothing to do with restoring truly sacred music to its rightful place in the liturgy. Maybe I will have time over lunch.

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