
Alright ok ok alright I am still trying to understand this picture which was linked from Amy Welborn's joint. Here's a comment from her site:

The Holy Father should not presume to speak publicly about modesty in dress if he is willing to stare at a a man parading in front of him at Mass in the equivalent of a speedo.

More seriously, the presence of pagan Aztec culture at a Mass celebrating the canonization of a saint whose vocation was to maintain the Christian conversion of native pagans is a grotesque absurdity -- at least they didn't cut out anybody's heart, I hope. This and the dozens of similar things one could cite prove that Faith is a supernatural virtue. Anyone trying to make sense out of today's Catholic Church on rational grounds alone would very quickly give up the fruitless effort.

David Kubiak

I didn't see any of the coverage on EWTN or any other network for that matter. I hope the dancing was less provacative than the attire.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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