The last, last words about the current state of affairs.

For real this time. Please don't send any more email to me about this. Karen Maria Knapp of From the Anchor Hold writes:

Sorry, Steve, but "crisis" is already taken by our extortionist problem; find something else.

I must admit, I don't like "the Situation" either, the term or the thing.

And lastly - I mean it folks - a brief discourse on nomenclature from Michael Tinkler, the crankiest of professors.

'The Situation' bothers me because it's mealy-mouthed
- it sounds like a term used in press conferences. At
least we could say 'The Pedophilia Situation' or 'The
Unchaste-clergy Situation'.

'Crisis' is dangerous because we think of Crises as
Passing away, and we don't want to levae them the
option of waiting it out.

'The Babylonian Captivity' is a great name for a
'situation', but I'm not sure how early that name
comes out. I wonder what Catherine of Siena actually
called it - 'La Situazione'?

I'm with you, Michael, I just didn't think to call the expression mealy-mouthed.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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