I had an original thought last week. Read now, alert the media later. The thought was this: one of us Catholic bloggers should create a list of reform groups that we can reference online. I mentioned that I didn't know what CFAR's "ecclesiastical shtick" was before I posted the link to them. I meant that I didn't take to time to read about their mission and make an informed decision about whether or it was one I agreed with or could support. Here is their position statement and statement of principles. I do agree with them! Most importantly this statement:
No man can be accepted into the seminary unless he believes completely in the fullness of the Church's teaching and lives in accordance with it.
If I have the time I will begin working on a list of such groups with links to their positions. I just started a new job today so it may take a bit to adjust to the new schedule and commute. Driving in Northern Virginia is a near occasion of sin unless it's 4:45 am Sunday morning. During the times that I am driving to and from work I wish I had a priest in the passenger seat. "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. But you saw how that dipstick cut me off in that Bondo-mobile he was driving! I'll bet he doesn't have insurance!" That is what as known as "imperfect contrition."