Mailbag :: More bad poetry, please!

This reader is running a bad poetry contest of her own. She also wants us all to know that some other online poetry contests are scams. Imagine that. Scams on the inTARnet. Whodathunkit.

Wandering through the Catholic blogosphere, I encountered your call for bad poems. It reminded me of a contest that I started on my website, . The Wergle Flomp Award is for the best intentionally bad poem that has been accepted by one of those dreadful amateur sites like The purpose of our contest is to show that, the International Library of Poetry etc. are scams. I am currently judging the entries (alas, the vast majority did not understand the rules, and sent me poems that are just unintentionally bad) and will announce a winner on the site in August.

Wergle Flomp, by the way, is the nom de plume of UK poet David Taub, links to whose hilarious intentionally bad poems can be found on our website.

As David would say, "Yim yam widdley wooo" ---

Jendi Reiter

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