I just saw "Spiderman." Not the superhero himself, just the movie. How long has it been out? A month? Anyhow, I loved the movie except for Danny Elfman's score and the shameless Sony product placement throughout. I know Sony Pictures made the movie, but Aunt May's kaboose had a Sony logo on it! Elfman's music sounded like the same crud he's been writing for movies since Beetlejuice. I honestly didn't notice the music after the title sequence. When Elfman's name flashed across the screen I thought, "This is the same crud he's been writing for movies since Beetlejuice!" and I just tuned it out. The effects helped.
Twice I've seen "Star Wars: Attack of the Nobodies Who Can't Act." Like it I didn't. I came out of the theater talking like Yoda. Next on my list is "The Sum of All Political Correctness" wherein Hollywood takes the Muslim terrorists out of Clancy's novel and replaces them with Neo-Nazis and relics from the Cold War. My cat Fred is a more talented actor than Ben Affleck - he's just not as well-connected.