I sang in the Diocesan Choir for Confirmations at the Cathedral last night.

It never ceases to amaze me - whether or not it's First Communion or Confirmation there is still some kid in a white tuxedo.

I'll write about the Mass later. One thing really cheesed me - the Bishop thanked the different groups involved in preparing and executing the Mass. The last group he mentioned was the newly-formed Diocesan Choir. He spread it on really thick and everyone clapped. So much for storing riches up in Heaven by volunteering.

One last thing - a ton of people in choir thought I was John. Not since High School have so many people called me "John." We accepted each other's diplomas at our graduation. That was a hoot. All our friends knew but the principal didn't have a clue.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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