Stop me before I start linking to articles on again today. I need to get some work done.
Author: Sal
Michael Novak on the Communion Controversy
Baptists may call for “Exodus” from public schools
Giving ‘Exodus’ a new meaning, Cal Thomas –
Now comes what could be the most radical and most successful education reform proposal ever made. The Southern Baptist Convention the nation’s largest Protestant denomination with about 17 million members meets this week in Indianapolis, and among the resolutions it is considering is one calling upon parents to withdraw their children from public schools and either educate them at home or enroll them in private Christian academies.
You tell me if we’re on topic!
Sorry, RC, I disagree with both you and John! I know it seems like Eric and I are waxing Sean Hannity’s car over here, but it’s difficult to have strictly Catholic posts when so many ancillary topics affect the life of Catholics these days. We have an upcoming election where the Democratic candidate is material heretic, a culture war ongoing since before said Democratic candidate reached puberty, and a multi-front, multi-dimensional war against an age-old enemy of Christendom. This is the civilization that said Democratic candidate and other liberal illuminati loathe. And I count most of the media among the liberal illuminati. I agree that today I may as well have posted some links with the headline “Let’s read the Washington Times together,” but these topics are more or less relevant to the blog.
I believe we can appreciate how all this issues do fit into a larger context: the Church Militant must minister and evangelize in the present age, fight its enemies both internal and external, and above all remain faithful to Christ its Head. Could we be connecting these points better? I suppose so. But let’s confuse take morality and faith out of political discourse as they would have us do.
Now I’m going to write something very snarky about the Becker Litany of the Saints and how Marty Haugen should give up music for a career in Antartic Horticulture.
Do you think the media doesn’t want Bush re-elected? – 9/11 Panel: No Evidence of Al Qaeda-Iraq Link
But over at we find the following:
“Two senior Bin Ladin associates have adamantly denied that any ties existed between al Qaeda and Iraq,” says the Commission.
Such a statement begs the question: Why does the Commission, let alone the press, take the word of two senior bin Laden associates over, say, Iraq’s new prime minister, Iyad Allawi.
Last December he told the London Telegraph, “We are uncovering evidence all the time of Saddam’s involvement with al-Qaeda.”
Reacting to the discovery of an Iraqi intelligence document placing 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta in Baghdad two months before the attacks, he continued:
“This is the most compelling piece of evidence that we have found so far. It shows that not only did Saddam have contacts with al-Qaeda, he had contact with those responsible for the September 11 attacks.”