Do you think the media doesn’t want Bush re-elected? – 9/11 Panel: No Evidence of Al Qaeda-Iraq Link

But over at we find the following:

“Two senior Bin Ladin associates have adamantly denied that any ties existed between al Qaeda and Iraq,” says the Commission.
Such a statement begs the question: Why does the Commission, let alone the press, take the word of two senior bin Laden associates over, say, Iraq’s new prime minister, Iyad Allawi.
Last December he told the London Telegraph, “We are uncovering evidence all the time of Saddam’s involvement with al-Qaeda.”
Reacting to the discovery of an Iraqi intelligence document placing 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta in Baghdad two months before the attacks, he continued:
“This is the most compelling piece of evidence that we have found so far. It shows that not only did Saddam have contacts with al-Qaeda, he had contact with those responsible for the September 11 attacks.”