NARAL, Anti-Catholicism and the Roots of the Pro-Abortion Campaign

A pretty old post of an article over at, but worth reading the whole thing.

When the Catholic Church hierarchy took a strong stand on abortion, it found itself the target, rather than the position espoused. Quickly, the public issue of whether or not abortion should be fully legal in the United States descended into a cauldron of unrelated issues of separation of Church and State, the Catholic Church’s tax exempt status, the religious affiliation of abortion opponents, alleged “Catholic power,” and the imposition of sectarian belief on American law. As one New York state legislator would thunder in the midst of abortion debate, “you have no right to come to the floor of this body and ask us to enact into law church doctrine.”

Sound familiar? The author is talking about the abortion debate in the mid-1960’s.

O’Reilly on the media’s whitewash of gay marriage

The NYT in particular.

Today “The New York Times” proves once again that it uses its news pages to promote its editorial point of view. “The Times” ran two articles about the gay marriage amendment. In article number one on the front page, it referred to supporters of the amendment as conservatives four times. In article number two on page 19, it’s referred to supporters of the amendment as conservatives five times. That’s nine mentions of conservatives being for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
Now if you read the articles, it’s obvious what “The Times” is doing. Anyone who opposes gay marriage is labeled a conservative, which is the worst thing you can possibly be at “The New York Times.”
Of course, the polls show that the majority of Democrats in America oppose gay marriage. And even the bomb-throwing Democrat from West Virginia, Senator Robert Byrd, voted for the constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage, but don’t tell “The New York Times” that. They want their readers to think that everyone who opposes gay marriage is some kind of right wing nut.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel


O Beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, holy and singular, who brought forth the Son of God, still ever remaining a pure virgin, assist us in our necessity! O Star of the Sea, help and protect us! Show us that you are our Mother!

John was hoping today was Our Lady of Mount Carvel. Alas, is it not.

Cookie Puss!

Categorized as Devotions

Mark Shea on the “Great Enema”

Links to news of Bishop “You’ve got Porn” Krenn and his reflection on authentic Catholic healing in the wake of these scandals.
Regarding Bishop Krenn and the diabolic shennanigans at his seminary, I’d be ready to leave the country if I had any of his newly-ordained priests in my parish. After being formed in an environment like that it’s highly likely they would be psychologically and spiritual unwell. Perhaps some of our priest readers would care to comment on how the environment of a seminary influences candidates for the priesthood. It’s imagine the influence is tremendous and a seminary like Krenn’s could have become a freak factory in recent years.

Categorized as Politics



Yes, Phatmass. A grassroots movement in the Church whose import and orthodoxy I was entirely unaware of until today. I apologize to the members of Phatmass whom I may have offended with my initial post. In particular Nathan Nelson. Thanks for calling me on this, man. Keep the faith!