

Yes, Phatmass. A grassroots movement in the Church whose import and orthodoxy I was entirely unaware of until today. I apologize to the members of Phatmass whom I may have offended with my initial post. In particular Nathan Nelson. Thanks for calling me on this, man. Keep the faith!


  1. Actually, the event looks pretty good. We don’t like hip-hop (I think that’s an official CL policy) but they are orthodox folks.

  2. I had a Marine friend from the ‘hood who wanted my ghetto name to be “Pooky.” I’m not sure about that one.

  3. The entire site looks pretty good! Apologetics… apostolic succession… Christianity timeline… Catholic hip-hop, R & B, alternative, etc… good stuff!

  4. Sal, methinks you should know what you’re talking about before you talk about it. I’ve been a member of Phatmass for a long time, and Dustin Sieber is one of the most orthodox gentlemen I know — perhaps more orthodox than some of the folks on Catholic Light, for instance, who are more Republican than they are Catholic.
    Also, what you posted is a lie, which you would know if you had bothered to research it at all — Phatmass strongly opposes the use of hip-hop music in the Mass. This is “extra-Massicular” hip-hop, and it is Catholic oriented.
    I demand that you retract your false statement, and I would also plead with you gentlemen on Catholic Light to get it right before you use your strong influence over Catholic blogdom to sway other Catholics against this very orthodox youth website. I’d hate to have to remove Catholic Light’s link from my blog and publically denounce it because you guys are bearing false witness against your fellow Catholics.

  5. Yeah, what Nathan said, do your research
    What is phatmass?
    phat (fat) adj. Slang phat·ter, phat·test 1. Excellent; first-rate: phat fashion; a phat rapper.
    Acronym: Preaching Holy Apostolic Truth
    mass (mas) n. 1. Public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church.
    phatmass (fat-mas) n. 1. Excellent, first-rate, public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church.
    History of phatmass
    Phatmass was born back in September of 2000. Initially beginning as a personal journey of faith by a guy named dUSt, it has since grown into more than just a website. It’s now a grassroots movement within the Church, made up of numerous volunteers, to promote orthodoxy to the Catholic Faith. In addition to the website, phatmass is responsible for producing Catholic hip-hop music (outside of the Holy mass), and organizing and promoting live shows.
    Especially notice that thing in parenthesis there “producing Catholic hip-hop music (outside of the Holy Mass)”
    Pax Amorque Christi
    Rep the Pope

  6. A question for the hip-hoppers: if you think this is art, why don’t you clamor for its inclusion in the Mass?
    I mean, aren’t you supposedly performing it for the greater glory of God and all that?
    If Palestrina or Mozart can be played during the Mass, why not Catholic hip hop?

  7. Phatmass has had a profound impact on my Catholic life. It has encouraged me to find out more about my faith, and to actually live what the Church teaches. It’s a great website to reach younger Catholics at a time where they can become confused about their faith. It’s helped me be a better witness to my husband, family and friends. Please don’t judge something when you obviously have no idea what it’s about. God bless.

  8. We at phatmass are absolutely opposed to hip-hop at Mass and if you had bothered to
    visit the site you would know this.
    Phatmass is rated excellent by CatholicCulture [petersnet] because while we feature hip-hop outside the Mass, we urge absolute fidelity to the Magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church!!! We had a cyberparty to celebrate the release of Redemptionis Sacramentum. We have one of the best references sections on the internet, and we promote vocations, conversions and Natural Family Planning for married members.
    cmom, proud member of

  9. I’ll be the first to admit that current teen culture isn’t my style. 1980’s-era U2 and Don Henley still hold sway in my CD player over say Weezer or Dave Matthews. Also, I’d be leery of using the name of the Mass in a web title with a slang term.
    But a brief tour throut the “phatmass” website suggests to me that these folks are orthodox and trying to connect with teens on their level. Heck, they’re linked up with the CFR Franciscans, and promote Karl Keating and Scott Hahn’s books. So I for one don’t see why they should be held up for ridicule, even if their musical sensibilities aren’t ours–and as noted they’re not advocating the use of hip-hop in the Mass.
    Nathan’s argument that our hosts are “more Republican than Catholic” is incorrect, though. Now it’s his turn to do research, and show us where any of our hosts have argued against Catholic teaching in any of their essays about President Bush, the Iraq war, or any of our other topics. I for one have only found our hosts’ arguments on these matters to be solidly orthodox, in the couple of months I’ve been reading.

  10. Again I ask the hip-hoppers: Why are you “absolutely opposed” to hip-hop at Mass? Isn’t your music lovely? Doesn’t it sing the praises of God? Why not have it as part of the liturgy?

  11. Mark, I’m surprised at your question. Not all art — not even all religious art — is sacred art. Its unsuitability for Mass doesn’t make hip-hop performance be non-art. The people at Phatmass understand this.

  12. You’ve coverted us, Nathan! I just talked with RC and we’re in discussions to change the name of Catholic Light to Catholic Aight!

  13. Wow. Hey all. I’m the webmaster of and producer of the Catholic hip-hop compilation, Massmatics. To clear up the question asked by Mr Sullivan, phatmass does not advocate using hip-hop in the liturgy because it is not reverent. The mass is Sacred and Holy, and anything that detracts from the reverence reserved for the Most Blessed Sacrament, should not be allowed. This is not limited to hip-hop. Any music that puts the mass in danger of becoming “a show” as opposed to the Holy Sacrifice that it is, is harmful.
    We use hip-hop to reach people in their own environment. It is a communication tool. The Church has always used everything at it’s disposal to glorify Christ, and we should be no different. Are you good at sewing? Sew for the glory of the Church. Good at landscaping? Use it for the Church. There are thousands of ways to glorify the Church that have no place in the liturgy. At phatmass, we believe hip-hop is one of them.
    I’ve never visited this site before, but it seems like an honest place. I appreciate the practice of humility shown with the initial assumptions of
    Go Bush. Keyes and Santorum in 2008.
    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

  14. Thanks for the quick apology. I joined Phatmass Phorum in June 2004, and must say that my experience there has been wonderful. The fidelity of the site to the Church’s Magisterium is a rare and welcome thing to find on the internet.

  15. I’m sorry, Sal; I must not have been clear. I was talking about starting a Fatmass movement for those of us who have the gift of avoirdupois. It’ll be under the patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas. Didn’t the kids at “Holy Whapping” mention a few days ago that somewhere there’s a relic of St. Thomas’ fat?

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